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Many plastic manufacturers even claim that their plastics can be used to make fertilizers, and they usually use cornstarch as raw materials.
However, these statements are problematic because the plastics industry operates according to its own definition of composting:
The biologically decomposable substances in the compost yard are decomposed at the same rate as the known compost substances, which makes them indistinguishable visually and are decomposed into carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds and biomass
The term compost is used informally to describe the biodegradation of packaging materials.
Legal composting refers to the composting process.
The European Union stipulates four standards:
Chemical substances: volatile substances, heavy metals, fluorine, etc. must be restricted.
Biodegradability: Within 6 months, 90% of the raw materials are converted into carbon dioxide, water and minerals through the biological treatment process.
Decomposition rate: At least 90% of the original mass should be decomposed into 2x2 mm sieves.
Quality: Non-toxic substances and other substances hinder composting.